How does my organization become a sustaining partner?
Our sustaining partner information is located under our membership tab above. Feel free to call / email Eric or Jacqui with questions and to join!
How do i sponsor and event?
Reach out to Eric or Jacqui via email or phone, we would love to hear about your goals and explore our overlapping interests.
Can i attend events without being a member?
Yes, just register as a "Future E2Tech Member". Some events are free to all. Others have a slighly higher registration fee for non-members
What's the best way to stay up to date?
Our weekly email newsletter contains all of our upcoming events, industry updates, and new job postings, sign up here! We also post consistently on our social media platforms linked below.
Who can join E2Tech?
Anyone can become of member of E2Tech! We are a diverse group of individuals, government agencies, non-profits, students, and businesses; ranging from architects, renewable energy companies, and engineers, to designers, entrepreneurs, and researchers.
How do i renew my membership?
You will receive automatic reminders to renew your membership, if you forget we'll reach out to you!
How do i get more information?
We're passionate about discussing all things E2Tech! Feel free to reach out, give us a call (207-800-TECH), drop us an email (info@e2tech.org), and let's connect virtually or in person.
Where are you located?
We host events all over the state, so you can see us, our board members and others affiliated with E2Tech anywhere between York and Aroostook Counties. Our office is co-located with the UMaine Portland Gateway at 300 Fore Street in Portland -- essentially across the street from the Casco Bay Lines Ferry Terminal.
How much do events cost?
Our events range anywhere from free to $50, depending on the structure
Can I host an E2Tech event?
Yes! We are a grass-roots organization, and we always looking for new and interesting venues for our events, site visits, tours, and programs, so please reach out to us!