Michael Stoddard
Michael is the first Executive Director of the Efficiency Maine Trust, a position he started in 2010. The Trust’s mission is to help Maine consumers meet their energy needs at the lowest cost through the design and implementation of market-based energy efficiency and alternative energy programs.
Before coming to the Trust, Michael was Senior Counsel at ENE, a non-profit research and advocacy group that specializes in climate and energy policy. He was ENE’s lead energy advocate in Maine, where he worked on the legislation regarding Maine’s involvement in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, reforming Maine’s building energy codes, and restructuring Maine’s administration of energy efficiency programs.
Prior to working at ENE, Michael was the Assistant to the Chairman of the Federal Election Commission in Washington and worked for 6 years in international development work at the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), traveling across South America and Africa. Michael was appointed to the Maine Energy Conservation Board and also to the Governor’s Emergency Energy Task Force. Michael testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, on “Solutions to Cope with the Rise in Heating Oil Prices.” He also served on the Environmental Technology Advisory Board of the Maine Institute of Technology. Michael holds degrees from Williams College and the University of Maine School of Law. Originally from Brunswick, Michael now resides in Portland.