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May 31 | Environment and Energy Updates

Updated: Jun 13

Some E2Tech members participated in last Friday's Annual Summit of the Manufacturers Assn of Maine.  MAME has been a great partner for E2Tech, and about a third of the summit was focused on energy (not surprisingly, manufacturers use a lot of electricity!).

Many thanks to the professional staff from Constellation, Maine MEP, Efficiency Maine Trust, Maine Technology Institute, Texas Instruments, the University of Maine and other E2Tech members for sharing their unique knowledge with the participants. 

On June 4 passivhausMAINE will be in Wells for a MUBEC builder training and Maine's Energy Code, withe additional trainings later in the summer in Machias, Greenville, and Lewiston. 

For $25, you get a full-day training on the new codes and incorporating basic passive principles into traditional building offered by instructors: Svea Tullberg, Dan Kolbert and Randy Rand.

This week's NEWMOA Brownfields Summit at the Holiday Inn by the Bay was a great opportunity for networking and learning.  E2Tech was pleased to promote the Summit among our diverse membership, and Eric had a chance to meet many existing and potential members. 

Important E2Tech partners and institutional members were exhibitors at the event included VHB, TRC, Walden Renewables, ReVision Energy, Sevee & Maher Engineers, and Ransom Consulting. We neglected to give them signage saying "Proud Member of E2Tech", and we're making some thing that each company member can use when they are exhibiting at a conference.

The passivhausMAINE Annual Meeting will be on Tuesday, June 18 from 6:00-8:00pm at Wolfe's Neck Farm in Freeport - where E2Tech had it's very successful "Future of Maine Forest Products" gathering last week. 

The phME Annual Meeting is a great opportunity to learn about what they been up to and help shape the course of our work for the coming year, as well as a great chance to meet and network with fellow members and enthusiasts. There will be food, drink, networking and socialization! Your $20 ticket ($15 for members!) includes food and drinks.

The 2024 Annual Meeting for ecomaine is on June 20, 2024 @ 11:00 a.m. at Halo at The Point, 20 Van Aken Way, Portland, Maine. ecomaine provides waste management and recycling services to about 75 communities and municipalities across the southern half of Maine. Over the past year, Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) has been a hot topic in the Waste Management and Recycling Industry. Scott Cassel, the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Product Stewardship Institute, join us to provide valuable insights into this upcoming policy.  

The event is free (there is such a thing as a free lunch!).  Send an email on Friday or over the weekend to to confirm your participation. 

In addition to organizing a broad array of in person and online events, E2Tech also has four contracts and several initiatives, and each of these is designed to help our community. We hope you take advantage of the services.

On behalf of the State, we oversee a weekly survey of the price of heating oil, kerosene, and propane. If you are curious to know the prices from last week and changes in the price of fossil fuel over the past decade, visit the GEO website

Together with several partners, we are helping companies, municipalities, and nonprofits connect with young Mainers intersted in being part of the clean energy economy. ReMaine provides subsidies for employers who would like to have a summer intern, and we are seeking a few more employers.

The Maine Technology Institute has been an E2Tech partner since 2002 merger of thee Environmental Business Council of Maine (EBCM) and the Maine Environment & Energy Center (Maine E2 Center), which created E2Tech. We continue to support the MTI, its tech boards, and promoting the $8M/year that it awards to businesses around the state. Assuming the voters say yes to the R&D Bond, next year, MTI also will be administering $25M in funding.

Together with the Roux Institute and others, E2Tech will be supporting the launch of a business incubator that focuses on the climate and AI. Additional details will be forthcoming. 

Other projects include strengthening the network of environmental lawyers, regulators, and those influenced by the laws and regs. 

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